PART 1: General
1. Kerma and absorbed dose are related quantities. Beyond the depth of maximum dose, the fall-off rate of these two quantities is best described as _____.
- both dose and kerma fall off equally
- kerma falls off faster than dose
- dose falls off faster than kerma
- dose falls while kerma rises
- dose rises while kerma falls
2. At 75 degrees Fahrenheit, an ionization chamber exposed to the atmosphere should have its reading "temperature corrected" by multiplying the reading by _____.
- 0.9936
- 1.0032
- 1.0064
- 1.0859
3. The mass attenuation coefficient of bone with a density of 1.8 g/cm 3, is 0.2 cm 2/g for an 80-keV gamma ray. The percentage of 80-keV photons attenuated by a slab of bone 4 cm thick is _____%.
- 36
- 45
- 55
- 64
- 76
4. The modulation transfer function (MTF) curve is a plot of _____.
- image contrast versus resolution
- subject contrast versus image contrast
- detail detection versus viewing condition
- system characteristics versus component characteristics
- image contrast versus spatial frequency
5. The loss of contrast in a therapy verification image compared with a simulator radiographic image is mostly a result of _____.
- an increased number of pair productions
- an increased number of Compton interactions
- an increased number of photoelectric interactions
- a decreased number of photoelectric interactions
- a decreased number of Compton interactions
6. 2-cc-volume ionization chamber is placed in a radiation field of 100 R/s. The current generated is how many amperes (ρ air = 0.0013 g/cm 3)?
- 5.1 x 10 -11
- 6.3 x 10 -10
- 5.1 x 10 -9
- 6.3 x 10 -8
- 5.1 x 10 -7
7. At a radiologist's workstation, the instantaneous exposure rate through the wall from a chest cassette holder is 500 mR/h during exposures of 10 mAs at 100 kV and 100 mA. The maximum exposure at the workstation during 1 week for 200 exposures would be approximately _____ mR.
- 0.28
- 2.8
- 28
- 280
- 2800
8. In pair production, _____.
- the electrons and positrons are emitted at 180° to each other
- positrons and antineutrinos are produced when the interactions occur
- photons with energies greater than 2.04 MeV are necessary for the interactions to occur
- the annihilation of the positron produces two photons that travel in approximately opposite directions
- the total energy of the incident photon is evenly divided between the kinetic energy of the pair of particles
9. Ten 1024 x 1024 digital images with 64 shades of gray are to be transmitted at the rate of 1.049 x 10 5 bits/s. The images can be transmitted in approximately _____.
- 10 s
- 30 s
- 1 min
- 10 min
- 1 h
10. A group of patients exhibit lifetimes that are normally distributed with a mean of 36 months and a standard deviation of 3.0 months. What percentage of these patients will survive at least 42 months?
- 2.5%
- 5.0%
- 33.0%
- 67.0%
- 95.
Answers for this section:
- A
- C
- E
- E
- D
- D
- B
- D
- D
- A
PART 1: Clinical
1. There are _____ cervical vertebrae.
- 12
- 10
- 7
- 5
- 4
2. A fetus receives a dose of 2 Gy during weeks 15 - 39 of pregnancy. There is an increased risk of _____.
- Down syndrome
- leukemia in the child
- intrauterine death
- macrocephaly in the infant
- neonatal death
3. The most likely exam for a patient who is suspected of having kidney stones is a(n) _____.
- abdominal CT
- abdominal MRI
- abdominal ultrasound
- hysterosalpingogram
4. Breast cancer occurs most often in the _____ .
- chest wall
- lower inner quadrant
- lower outer quadrant
- upper inner quadrant
- upper outer quadrant
Answers for this section are not provided.
PART 2: Diagnostic Radiological Physics
1. Patient entrance skin exposure for a screen/film radiography system with film density being held constant will not depend on _____.
- kVp
- grid ratio
- beam area
- focal spot size
2. For a CT image acquired with 200 mAs, a change of 10 HU between adjacent pixels equals a contrast of _____ %.
- 0.02
- 1
- 2
- 10
- 14
3. As a potential contrast agent for ultrasound, which of the following materials would be expected to be the strongest reflector for a fixed concentration of small (<5 m m) particles?
- A solid polymer
- A solid phospholipid
- Encapsulated air
- Aluminum
- Protein
4. In a spin echo MRI pulse sequence with TR = 2000 msec and TE = 100 msec, the anatomy having the highest signal intensity in the resulting brain image is _____.
- gray matter
- white matter
- lens of the eye
- intracranial fat
5. According to NCRP 116, the occupational equivalent dose annual limit for an extremity is ______ Sv.
- 0.5
- 1.5
- 5
- 15
- 50
Answers for this section:
- E
- B
- C
- D
- A
PART 2: Diagnostic Radiological Physics
1. Below is shown a series of repeat measurements of the output of an x-ray tube and generator for an 80-kVp beam, 10 mAs at 1 meter. The coefficient of variation of these measurements is _____.
- 71.
- 7.0
- 0.7
- 0.07
- 0.007
Measurement # | Output (mR) |
1 | 71.3 |
2 | 70.9 |
3 | 72.2 |
4 | 7108 |
5 | 71.5 |
2. A 5-MHz ultrasound beam is incident on a blood vessel at an angle of 45 degrees. If the blood is moving toward the transducer, and the mean velocity is 30 cm/s, the mean frequency shift of the back-reflected power spectrum is _____ kHz.
- 0.7
- 1.4
- 2.8
- 5.6
- 11.2
3. A CT ionization chamber has an active length of 10 cm. Dose is measured with the body CTDI phantom positioned appropriately. A scan is performed at 130 kVp, 120 mAs and 5-mm slice thickness. The electrometer reading is 110 mR. (Assume an f-factor of 0.9 cGy/R.) The CTDI is _____ mGy.
- 12
- 20
- 32
- 40
- 44
4. For a 30-cm FOV and a gradient strength of 2.1 mT/m, the change in frequency of the protons at a distance of 10 cm from the null of the phase encode gradient is _____ kHz.
- 40.6
- 26.8
- 21.3
- 8.9
- 2.1
Answers for this section:
- E
- B
- B
- D
PART 2: Medical Nuclear Physics
1. The exposure gamma ray constant for I-131 is approximately _____ R-cm 2/mCi-hr.
- 0.7
- 1.2
- 1.6
- 2.2
- 3.3
2. A SPECT study is performed using line sources of Tc-99m according to the NEMA protocol. If the FWHM is 10.5 mm in the center, the peripheral tangential spatial resolution at 10 cm from the center line will be approximately _____ mm.
- 7.5
- 9.5
- 11.5
- 13.5
- 15.5
3. Which of the following is a false statement about imaging techniques?
- Image quality is reduced when In-111 is used for imaging with a collimator designed for Tc-99m.
- Tc-99m with a pinhole collimator can be used to image a 3-mm diameter lesion.
- High energy collimators will provide good spatial resolution for F-18.
- Tungsten would be a better collimator material than lead for imaging Tl-201.
- The energy of Co-57 is so close to that of Tc-99m, that it can be used for high count flood correction in SPECT imaging.
4. If the minimum, mean, and maximum pixel counts in the CFOV of a smoothed intrinsic flood are 4500, 5200, and 5500, respectively, the integral uniformity will be _____ %.
- 5
- 6
- 10
- 14
- 15
5. In a gate-synchronized ventricular function study, the color-coded phase image shows a group of pixels in the apex of the left ventricle displayed in the hue assigned to the atria. The most likely explanation is _____.
- global left ventricular hypokinesis
- valvular insufficiency
- malfunctioning software
- cardiac arrhythmia
- apical dyskinesis
Answers for this section:
- D
- B
- C
- C
- E
PART 2: Medical Nuclear Physics
1. A Tc-99m radioactive tracer is removed from the kidneys by three pathways: 1) absorption in the blood at 50 percent every 3 hours; 2) excretion to the bladder at 50 percent every 2 hours; and 3) physical decay. The effective half-time of the radioactive tracer in the kidney is _____ hours.
- 1
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 11
2. A generator is eluted and yields 300 mCi of Tc-99m. What is the maximum acceptable number of microcuries of Mo-99 allowable at the time of elution in order for clinical studies to be done up to 6 hours after elution?
- 5.6
- 12
- 24
- 30
- 45
3. If annihilation radiation originates in the center of the water-filled phantom diagrammed below, the PET attenuation correction factor will be _____. (µ = 0.096 cm -1)
- 15.9
- 24.1
- 31.7
- 40.3
- 48.5
4. A c 2 test was performed with a sample size of 10 using a long-lived source. The following results were obtained:
s n-1 = 205.5
Mean = 3752.6
Mean = 3752.6
The c 2 value is _____.
- 14.3
- 101.3
- 205.6
- 3753
- 42,256
5. The following intrinsic line spread function was recorded using a slit phantom.
Channel # | Cts | Channel # | Cts | Channel # | Cts |
133 | 300 | 138 | 900 | 143 | 833 |
134 | 400 | 139 | 950 | 144 | 710 |
135 | 580 | 140 | 1000 | 145 | 560 |
136 | 675 | 141 | 970 | 146 | 480 |
137 | 780 | 142 | 911 | 147 | 345 |
The distance per channel is 0.4 mm. The intrinsic spatial resolution (FWHM) is _____ mm.
- 3.48
- 3.75
- 4.28
- 4.48
- 6.50
Answers for this section:
- A
- C
- C
- B
- D
PART 2: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1. High energy photon beams from an accelerator require flattening filters in order to _____.
- increase low-energy photons
- correct for the pulsing of radiation
- increase fluence along the central axis of the beam
- increase depth dose
- make the beam flat across the full field
2. Highest neutron flux in a therapy treatment room is produced by _____.
- a Cobalt-60 source
- a 10-MeV electron beam
- a 10-MV photon beam
- a 20-MV photon beam
- a 20-MeV electron beam
3. According to TG-59, an ionization chamber reading is corrected to compensate for the temperature and pressure dependence of the _____.
- air volume in the ionization chamber
- mass of air in the ionization chamber
- mass stopping power ratio for electrons in the ionization chamber
- mass stopping power ratio for electrons of the phantom material
- density of air in the monitor chamber
4. The equivalent square of a 10 x 20-field is _____.
- 12 x 12
- 13 x 13
- 15 x 15
- 18 x 18
- 20 x 20
5. In IMRT treatment planning, critical organs are _____.
- shielded with superflab
- delivered the same dose as GTV
- prescribed 0.5 % of PTV
- delivered organ tolerance dose
- delivered skin tolerance dose
- E
- D
- B
- B
- D
PART 2: Therapeutic Radiologic Physics
1. A 4-MV linac beam, 10 cm x 10 cm with a 45° wedge, is used to deliver 200 cGy to a tumor located at the isocenter (100 cm SAD) at 10-cm depth. Given the following:
- output at 100 cm SSD at d max 1.2 cm is 1.04 cGy/MU
- wedge factor 0.70
- back-scatter-factor 1.03
- percent depth dose 60%
- tissue-air-ratio 0.75
What is the number of monitor units (MU) required for this treatment?
- 206
- 258
- 296
- 366
- 468
2. A single field 6-MV beam is used to deliver 200 cGy at the isocenter (100 cm SAD), which is at a depth of 10 cm. The patient thickness is 20 cm. Using the factors given below, calculate the dose at 5-cm depth.
- 245 cGy
- 255 cGy
- 261 cGy
- 268 cGy
- 281 cGy
%DD for 100 cm SSD, 5-cm depth | 87% |
%DD for 100 cm SSD, 10-cm depth | 68% |
TMR 5-cm depth | 0.93 |
TMR 10-cm depth | 0.79 |
TMR 15-cm depth | 0.65 |
TMR 20-cm depth | 0.53 |
3. A lesion extending to 1-cm depth in tissue is to be treated with a 6-MeV electron beam with bolus. A dose of 1.5 Gy to 80% is prescribed. If the output is 1cGy/MU, the SSD is 104 cm and the cone factor is 0.97, what should the thickness of the bolus be, and how many MU should be delivered?
- 0 cm, 153 MU
- 0 cm, 170 MU
- 1 cm, 209 MU
- 1 cm, 270 MU
- 2 cm, 302 MU
4. In tissue from a 0.46-mCi permanent implant I-125 seed, what is the total dose to 1 cm distance?
- 55 Gy
- 10.5 Gy
- 13.2 Gy
- 30.5 Gy
- 50.0 Gy
5. An isocentric 10-MV oblique photon beam has depth of 12 cm, of which 6 cm is muscle tissue and 6 cm is lung. Without lung correction, the actual delivered dose at the isocenter compared to the calculated dose at the same point would be _____.
- 20% higher
- 10% higher
- 5% higher
- 10% lower
- 20% lower
Answers for this section:
- D
- C
- C
- C
- B
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