The principles of the rotating anode (C: 14-17; H: 24)
· The ability of the x-ray tube to achieve high x-ray outputs is limited by the heat generated at the anode
· The purpose of the rotating anode is to spread the heat produced during exposure over a large area of the anode.
· The rotating anode consists of a large disc of tungsten or an alloy with a beveled edge (6o – 20o) which rotates at a very fast speed (e.g. 3600 rpm)
· Because of the rotation, the electrons accelerated from the cathode will bombard a constantly changing area of the target.
· For 3600 rpm any one area is only exposed to the beam every 1/60 seconds, and the remainder of the time heat generated during the exposure is dissipated.
· The faster the anode rotates the greater is its ability to withstand heat.
· The diameter of the disc determines the total length of the target track and affects the maximum permissible loading of the anode.
· The stem of the rotating tube is made from Molybdenum (a poor heat conductor) to prevent the anode assembly and bearings from overheating and binding/ sticking.
· The inertia of the heavier anode causes a delay between the application of force to the anode assembly and the time at which maximum angular velocity is reached – therefore a circuit is incorporated to prevent the exposure until the rotor has reached its full speed.
· Also the stem is made shorter to decrease the inertia as much as possible.
· A rotating tube greatly increases the effective target area used during an exposure and therefore raises the heat capacity
The line focus principle (C: 13; BB: 108-109; H: 25)
· Beveling of the anode edge (6o– 20o) takes advantage of the line focus principle
· Most of the energy of the electrons in the tube current is converted to heat
· A large focal spot allows the accumulation of larger amount of heat before damage (i.e. a larger focal spot will allow greater heat loading)
· But for good radiographic detail a small focal spot is required
· The size and shape of the focal spot is determined by the size and shape of the electron beam which is determined by:
o The dimensions of the filament
o Construction of the focusing cup
o Position of the filament in the cup
· But when the target is beveled, the focal spot, when viewed from the direction in which the x-rays emerge, is foreshortened and appears small
· The EFFECTIVE/ APPARENT focal spot is smaller than the ACTUAL focal spot on the target – the size being related to the sine of the angle of the target (Effective focal length = Actual focal length x sinQ)
· As the angle of the anode is made smaller the apparent focal spot becomes smaller
· But for practical purposes there is limit to which the anode angle can be decreased as dictated by the heel effect (the point of anode cut-off)
· There are three trade-offs to consider for the choice of anode angle:
o Heat/ power loading
o Effective focal spot size (small = good resolution)
o Field coverage (small angle = small field coverage)
· The line focus principle is used to permit larger heat loading while minimizing the size of the focal spot by orientating the anode at a small angle to the direction of the x-ray beam irradiating the patient
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