Minggu, 27 November 2011

Unilateral Pulmonary Edema Pattern - contralateral and Ipsilateral causes

Unilateral Pulmonary Edema Pattern - contralateral and Ipsilateral causes

Pulmonary Edema Pattern Symmetrical Bilateral alveolar pattern

Localised Alveolar Pattern

The Breast Days course at Jeddah October 2011

This is the DDx for a paranasal sinus lesion ..... i think also taken from the case review series .... 

How many times a radiologist would see a lesion in the PNS during a routine brain CT and tend to report it as sinusitis .... It would be helpful if you storm your brain and think about other differentials ... each one of these has a different appearance than the other ....

The violet branch has been added by myself during studying of other diseases that I found it would be helpful to remember them during thinking about the DDx of a PNS mass ...
DDx for Extra-Testicular Scrotal Lesions

craniopharyngioma mind map

craniopharyngioma mind map

DDx for anterior beaking of vertebrae

DDx for anterior beaking of vertebrae

I don't remember where the source was from but mostly from the case review ..

Sickle Cell Anemia Nephropathies

Sickle Cell Anemia Nephropathies:
Patients of SCA can develop a number of conditions in the kidneys ---- Its good to keep them in mind

Made while studying from Aunt Minnies Cases 2009

Contrast NSS

Causes of Linitis Plastica

Causes of Linitis Plastica .......

HD = Hodgkin's Disease
NHL = Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma
PAN = Polyarteritis Nodusa
TB = Tuberculosis

From Radiology Review Manual 6th edition page 770


BAC = broncho-alveolar cell carcinoma
PCP = pneumocystic carinii pneumonia
NSIP = non-specific interstitial pneumonia
ARDS = acute respiratory distress syndrome
OP = organising pneumonia

Signs of Pneumoperitoneum on Abdominal Radiograph

Signs of Pneumoperitoneum on Abdominal Radiograph

Dahnert 6th Edition page 756

Causes of Pneumothorax

DDx for bone lesions showing bone sequestrum

LCH = Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
DDx for bone lesions showing bone sequestrum

Taken from ACR case-in-point case dated 17.11.u2010

Sabtu, 26 November 2011


Hemorrhage is most easily detected with CT, but it can also be visualized with gradient echo MR-sequences.

Hemorrhagic infarcts

Hemorrhagic infarcts
15% of MCA infarcts are initially hemorrhagic.

Dense MCA sign

Dense MCA sign
This is a result of thrombus or embolus in the MCA.
On the left a patient with a dense MCA sign.
On CT-angiography occlusion of the MCA is visible.

Insular Ribbon sign

Insular Ribbon sign
This refers to hypodensity and swelling of the insular cortex.
It is a very indicative and subtle early CT-sign of infarction in the territory of the middle cerebral artery.
This region is very sensitive to ischemia because it is the furthest removed from collateral flow.
It has to be differentiated from herpes encephalitis.