Sabtu, 01 Januari 2011

Anatomy Arm - Muscles of Arm: Posterior Views, N420

  1. Axillary Nerve and the Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery through the quadrangular space.
    1. Axillary Nerve gives off the Superior Lateral Brachial Cutaneous Nerve
      1.  Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery has its ascending and descending branches. 
      2. Descending branch Posterior Circumflex Humeral Artery anastomosis with the Profunda Brachii Artery that accompanies the Radial Nerve deep to the Lateral head of the triceps Brachii Muscle. 
  2. Radial Nerve 
    1. Branches to the Long Head of Triceps, Lateral Head of Triceps and the deep Medial Head of Triceps. The Nerve to Aconeus Muscle and the Medial Head of Triceps Brachii
    2. Interior Lateral Brachial Cutaneous Branch and the Posterior antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve - LBC and the PABC
  3. Ulnar Nerve posterior to the Medial Epicondyl 
  1. Supraspinatus, Infraspinatus, Teres Minor Muscle and (Subscapularis) SITS
  2. V formed by the Lateral Head of the Triceps over the Humerus and the Long head of the Triceps. 
    1. The Triangular space with the Profunda Brachii Artery and the Radial Nerve are inferior to the Teres Major Muscle.
    2. The Quadrangular Space with the Axillary Artery and the Posterior Circumflex Artery Emerge is superior to Teres Major
  3. Medial Head of Triceps Brachii can only be seen if the Lateral Head of Triceps Brachii is Cut
  4. Lateral intermuscular septum that covers the Radial Collateral Artery and the Radial Nerve

Bones and Ligaments
  1. Capsule of Glenohumeral Joint, Supraspinatus Tendon
  2. Lateral Epicondyl and the Olecronon of the Ulna are attachments for the Aconeus Muscle

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