Jumat, 31 Desember 2010

Anatomy Arm - Muscles of Arm: Anterior Views, N419

After removing the coverings of the deltoid and the Underlying Pectoralis Major Muscle that wraps the anterior shoulder -

  1. The V of the Biceps Brachii with the 
    1. long head in the  intertubercular groove; it is retained in the groove by the transverse humeral ligament
    2. The Short head of the Biceps Brachii and the Coracobrachialis Muscles arise from the Coracoid.
  1. Musculocutaneous nerve pierces the Coracobrachialis and also supplies Biceps Brachii and the Brachialis Muscle terminating in the Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve. The Lateral Antebrachial Cutaneous Nerve emerges between  Biceps Brachii Muscle and the Brachialis Muscle.
  2. Median Nerve with the cut Brachial Artery anterior to the medial epicondyl - deep to the Bicipital Aponeurosis
  3. Ulnar Nerve is posterior to this - Posterior View
  1. Relation of the Greater and Lesser Turbercle of the Humerus and the Subacromial Bursa and the Acromion and Coracoid process of the Scapula
  2. The suprascapular ligament and the superior scapular artery

FIG. 411– Deep muscles of the chest and front of the arm, with the boundaries of the axilla.

FIG. 809– The right brachial plexus (infraclavicular portion) in the axillary fossa; viewed from below and in front. The Pectoralis major and minor muscles have been in large part removed; their attachments have been reflected. (Spalteholz.)

FIG. 810– Suprascapular and axillary nerves of right side, seen from behind. (Testut.)

FIG. 816– Nerves of the left upper extremity.

FIG. 817– Deep palmar nerves. (Testut.)

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