Minggu, 20 Februari 2011

Left Femur and Patella

Left Femur - upper end
The pectineal line of the femur must not be confused with the pectineal line of the pubis, nor with the spiral line of the femur which is usually more prominent than the pectineal line.

  1. Fovea of the Head Os - Ligament of the head of the femur
  2. Greater Trochanter Os - Outside Anteriorly - Mm Gluteus Minimus, Top Mm Piriformis. On the inside of the great Trochanter, Gluteus medius and also MM Obturator Internus and Mm Gemelli. The large Quadraus Femoralis Mm. Inferior anterior the Mm Vastus Lateralis, 
  3. Head
  4. Intertrochanteric Line (anterior) - with the Iliofemoral Ligament. 
  5. Lesser Trochanter Os - with Psoas Major Mm attachment and the Mm Iliacus. Inferior from medial to lateral the Mm Vastus Medius. 
  6. Neck of the Femur
  7. Pectineal line
  8. Quadrate turbercle on the intertrochanteric crest
  9. Shaft - with Mm Vastus Intermedius.
  10. Spiral Line
  11. Trochanteric Fossa - Mm Obturator Externus 

Left Femur - Shaft

  1. Gluteal Tuberosity Os - Mm Gluteus Maximus
  2. Lateral Supracondylar line
  3. Lesser Throchanter
  4. Linea Aspera. The rough linea aspera oftern shows a distinct medial and lateral lips; the lateral lip continues upward as the gluteal tuberosity. Muscle attachments from medial to lateral: Mm Vastus Medialis, Adductor Longus Mm, Adductor Brevis, Mm Adductor Magnus, Short Head of Biceps Femoralis Mm, Vastus Lateralis Mm, Vastus Intermedius.  
  5. Medial Supracondylar Line
  6. Pectineal Line - Mm Pectineus Muscle. 

Left Patella

Left Femur - Lower end

Ya-Khâliq (The Creator,  The Planner) 

 - Oh how great the creator of the heavens and earth must be if he creates femurs with such precision! the One who continues to plan, measure out and create, and who has the power to change things from non-existing to existing.
JEHOVAH BORE = The Lord Creator (Is. 40:28)

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